Ready to create an easy website that sells your writing services... before you send a single pitch letter?


How to Attract Top-Paying Clients


Presented by Omer Redden, Robyn Roste,
and Jennifer Roland Cadiente

Sign me up!

Forum homework feedback, access to our community, membership in the Freelance Writers Den, & access to EVERYTHING in the Den for as long as you're a monthly member (cancel at any time).

Website Wizardry

All for a price tag of $40*

*This is the cost of our monthly membership. Save $300 from our regular bootcamps and you can cancel your membership at any time!

Can't Find Freelance Writing Jobs?

Do you feel like your freelance writing dream is vanishing before your eyes?

In-person networking has all but disappeared. You send pitch emails and get no responses.

Maybe you have current clients who've suddenly ghosted you after not paying your invoice. Or put all projects on hold.

Don't worry—freelance writing is not over! Far from it. In fact, there's a lot of opportunity now, if you know how to connect with better clients.

But you have to be where those quality clients search for writers. If you don't have a crystal-clear freelancer website that potential clients can easily find, you're missing out!

So let's build one! (Or drastically improve your existing one.)

Discover How to Use

Your Personal Website to
Get Well-Paid Writing Jobs

Kiss Upwork & content mills goodbye.

Say hello to quality clients.

It's not all shuttered storefronts out there. Some companies and industries are capitalizing on our uncertain times. They're growing–or carefully planning their comeback. And all that takes marketing and a writer's help.

Where do many top companies turn when they need a freelancer? Google and LinkedIn's search bar. Send companies from social networks, to your own website where you can sell your services.

This bootcamp gives you easy, over-the-shoulder, step-by-step videos for how to create a website that gets you noticed, and helps you land your ideal clients.


Join our online training, Website Wizardry: How to Attract Top-Paying Clients

Sign up now!

Here's how it works  

Course Videos
This course is self-paced and you'll have instant access so you can start working on your website right away.

Customized Feedback We've got a slew of course materials to help you optimize your freelancer website to attract quality clients, step by step. We're also running marketing challenges that get you taking action and connecting with great writing jobs.

Skills-Building Homework with Individual Feedback
To rapidly build your freelance content career and help you get hired, you'll get feedback on your homework posts on our class forums from Jen (the Freelance Writers Den Moderator-in-Chief) and the rest of the Freelance Writers Den moderator team.  

Recordings, Handouts, and Transcripts Our materials are yours to download and re-read or watch at your leisure. We record and transcribe everything, so you won’t miss a moment.

Homework Forum, Website Reviews, & Pre-Recorded Q&As
Throughout the course, you'll be able to ask questions and "talk shop" with your fellow freelancers on the 24/7 class forum. You can also watch previous calls with Omer, Robyn, and Jen, to ensure all your website and marketing questions get answered. You can also submit your website for review in the forums by the moderator team. That will help you learn what to tweak to stand out from the crowd.

What you’ll learn

Website Wizardry-Clarity

module 1

Setting the Stage:

Your Freelancer Website Foundation

In the first week, you'll get clear on the essentials of your website: what you need, who you help, and what action you want someone to take on your website.

You'll also set up the basic logistics: your hosting, domain name, logo/favicon, and basic SEO.

Website Wizardry - Design

module 2

The Power of Pixels:

Designing for Impact and Conversion

You’ll get clear on your branding: what's the feel, vibe, persona, or style you want to get across with your website.

You'll also explore the essential content of the page: what copy is written, what graphics are included, videos and pictures, colors and layout, buttons and calls-to-action.

Website Wizardry - Clicks to Clients

module 3

From Clicks to Clients: The Art of Strategic Linking

You'll learn how to get traffic to your page, via free and paid mechanisms. You'll find out where to strategically place links to your website to get more clients. Some old places, some new, some analog, some digital.

You’ll also learn how to get eyeballs to your website and turn those clicks into clients.

Have questions? Read our FAQs.

Praise for previous Den bootcamps

Alexis Taylor - LinkedIn Marketing success story

"$115K from LinkedIn – in 6 months!"

I've been a freelance medical writer since April 2019. Since then, I've landed 7 of my 9 clients – and added $115,000 in annual revenue – through LinkedIn. And that was all simply from optimizing my profile the way you showed me! I'm still on retainer for 5 of those clients, and have been able to more than double my income in the last 6 months.

—Alexis Taylor, Philadelphia freelance biotech and medical-device writer & PR consultant |

Neil Pope - LinkedIn success story

"Inbound leads include Daimler-Chrysler"

I don't do much outbound marketing because this year, 90% of my leads have been inbound, mostly from LinkedIn! I've got one $2,500-a-month contract with a major insurer, and another for $3,000 a month as well. I've got jobs from Daimler-Chrysler! Now, execs from Ford USA, Ferrari and Bugatti share my updates, which has led to great new connections and leads. Thanks for all your profile tips!

—Neil Pope, Thailand-based freelance automotive writer |

"6 brand-new retainer clients"

I just signed my 4th retainer client and numbers 5 and 6 are about to sign as well! I've done website content for three new websites, a 4-pay brochure, and Webinar content. I got some clients from networking, and some from just changing my job title on LinkedIn, from what I learned in Launchpad. By far the most valuable part of the course has been the coaching and mentoring.

I've increased what I'm charging and this point, my price for a blog post ranges from $125 - $400 and up. I have so much work, I'm scrambling to keep up.

—Kylie Saunder, Health & Medical Writer |  

Ready to create a easy website that does all the selling for you?

What makes this program unique? 

Quickly gain useful skills

There are more than a few courses, ebooks and coaches available online, offering to teach you about getting more clients as a freelance writer. Many cost $500 to $2,000, and take a whole year. We know this isn't your only option. But we’re confident it’s one of the best.

This bootcamp is also an affordable, three-week intensive that helps you quickly create a magnetic website and the inbound marketing skills you can use today to command higher rates ... not a long-term commitment.


Full Access to Freelance Writers Den as long as you're a member!

No other course online comes with full access to everything in our Freelance Writers Den community—you get 300+ hours of additional learning opportunities including two-dozen other full courses, 24/7 forums, support from our members, and more. All for the price of this single course. From fear-busting to marketing to blogging for business clients, we have dozens of other bootcamps to supplement your learning. All included in your $40 fee.

More course benefits 

  • Stop dreaming, start earning. Put your training to work and get hired! 
  • Save time and avoid rookie mistakes. No need for trial and error with our step-by-step guidance
  • Quit applying to online ads or hanging around Upwork, and take control of your career with proactive marketing strategies
  • Gain confidence through action with homework and feedback from the experts
  • Keep it quick and simple. We’ve distilled this to just the most-important steps you need to take. No more wondering why your website that proclaims you're a "Freelance Writer who loves to help" isn't bringing you great leads  
Website Wizardry-Brand and Benefits

Meet your instructors

Omer Redden

Omer Redden has managed five different websites that bring in more than 6,070,000 organic visitors per year. To put that in perspective, six million people would be Los Angeles and Houston, combined. These sites not only bring eyeballs, they bring leads, clients, and revenue (millions of dollars).

Omer has also built countless websites from scratch and knows what big companies need vs. what solo freelancers need. He's been the architect behind a dozen online courses and written five books. Let's just say he knows a thing or two about websites and business.

Robyn Roste

Robyn Roste is a professional writer with more than 15 years of experience in the non-profit sector. She has a bachelor of journalism and diplomas in media and communication and biblical studies. These days, Robyn focuses on helping maxed-out freelancers set up smart marketing systems, giving them back time, resources, and much-needed brain space so they can live the life they started their business for. She's the author of Marketing for Freelance Writers, releasing in early 2024.

Jennifer Roland Cadiente

Jennifer Roland Cadiente has been a freelance writer since 2006, after leaving a staff job at an education technology trade association where she worked on the member magazine, various peer reviewed research journals, email marketing, and the association website. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism and political science, and has written two books, most recently Pacific Northwest Writers: Perspectives on Writing.

What would it be worth, to have great-paying clients contacting YOU

You could easily earn tens of thousands more annually, simply by updating your freelancer website!

YET...Your investment for four full weeks of training, hands-on help and individualized advice is just $397 $40.

You have to admit, that’s a crazy price for getting mentoring from three long-time pros.

Ready to nail this?

Then join us now for Website Wizardry!

I'm ready!
Daryl Watson

"Got my first real client–and launched my career"

"After just a few weeks in the Den, I went to a networking event and got my very first REAL client – one who was willing to pay a professional rate. I’ve since used the Den’s resources to build an SEO-friendly website that’s brought in more work opportunities than I know what to do with! My cannabis writing took off, and now I have three regular clients, plus two more that give me project work.  

If you’re a freelance writer, and you want to take your business to the next level, join The Freelance Writers Den. It’s one of the best investments you can make.”  

—Daryl Watson, The Cannabis Copywriter, the 

Lisa Rupple

"My first $3,000 contract!"

"In my Den bootcamp, I learned how to identify profitable niches and prospects relevant to my background and interests, including government contracting. Armed with my scripts vetted by Carol Tice and the bootcamp team, I reached out to a former colleague and shared my niche areas. We never got farther down the referral script than that. He immediately said that he had a few projects right now.  

We met, discussed his needs, and I negotiated a higher quote. The Den’s Get Your First Freelance Writing Jobs Bootcamp got me my first $3,000 contract! Without the bootcamp, I wouldn’t have reached out to this contact, and I would have woefully underbid. The bootcamp has more than paid for itself!"

—Lisa Rupple, Cleveland, Ohio

Alyssa Goulet - LinkedIn success story

"5 New clients!"

I've gotten FIVE new clients from LinkedIn worth $15,000 — and that's just so far this year! It happened with a combination of optimizing my profile and sending LOTS of connection requests and networking. I shoot for 25 per day. Thanks for all the LinkedIn help!

—Alyssa Goulet, technology copywriter & content strategist |

Why Learn to Create a Website Now?

Simple: In a time when in-person network can still be a challenge, your writer website is the best way to show your chops to companies and publications editors who need writers!

Once you know what to do and say, it's easy to stand out—because most freelance writers on have useless websites and no idea how to promote them (without annoying prospects and getting blocked, reported, and possibly blacklisted).

It may feel like work has dried up, if you're just checking Upwork or Craigslist ads, or a content-mill dashboard. But writers with inbound marketing tools they're busier and earning more than ever!

Ready to join the elite of writers who use a great website to find clients, in good times or bad?

I'm ready!

No-Risk Guarantee

Not sure if this course is for you? Try this bootcamp out at no risk! Give our course materials and the Den a try for up to seven days. If you decide it's not for you, we'll cheerfully refund your money.

(We’d like to say “No questions asked,” but we’ll be dying to know how we can make our bootcamp and courses better.)


Copyright © 2024 Freelance Writers Den